Monday, 30 April 2007

Amelia's New Long-Jump Personal Best

Amelia took part in the first round of the Southern Women's League at Sutton on Sunday. Only planning to take part in the long jump, Amelia also contested and won the high jump (1.45m) and finished 3rd in the relay (running last leg).
Her long jump was fantastic. Perfect conditions - sunny with a light breeze - Amelia no-jumped the first jump, but then shot to 5.56m - 21cm past her PB of 5.35m from last summer - and followed that up with four more jumps of 5.35m, another no-jump, 5.49m and 5.46m. Very consistent and one very happy Amelia!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Laura is my Friend She says "Well done! Amelia!"
from Mary-Jane