Friday, 30 March 2007

Tom and Robert join the fray

Tom and Robert have both competed in athletics over the last couple of seasons, but not as seriously as Amelia. This year is a hard year for both as they move up an age-group: Tom (although not quite 13) joins the U15 group, while Robert (not quite 11) joins the U13 age group.
Tom has recently taken an interest in training with Amelia, which is great. Her coach, John, has invited him to try out with their group on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays at Sutton and he seems to already have shown himself to John as a 'natural runner' - he hasn't got anywhere near the technical experience of Amelia but, although the starts need some work, he often manages to keep up with her on the sprints. It will be really interesting to see how he does in competition this season. At least he now says he "loves athletics" - a real change from last year's lack of enthusiasm for training!
And Robert is showing just how bouncy he really can be. He was trying out high jump at Sutton last week while Amelia and Tom were doing their core stability exercises and effortlessly scissored a 1.25m bar - Amelia's best is only 1.50m carried out with a more professional Fosberry Flip! Some potential there, then.
Look out for the April 15th results.


Anonymous said...

well done Robert,Thomas and amelia!

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.